Replenish and Recover
If you have taken one of our heated classes at Waves Yoga you know there is lots of sweating going on. The juicy sweat session you can receive at Waves is one of the many amazing benefits of our classes. During a heated class at Waves Yoga you will be practicing in an infrared heated room. This kind of heat is different from a traditional sauna because you will be able to feel the benefits/results at lower temperatures. The infrared heat will heat your core for a detoxifying sweat, and an extra calorie burn.
Our yoga practice should be nourishing and include recovery. What happens outside the studio is just as important as what happens inside. After a super steamy class is it so important to replenish your body. Replenishing electrolytes and minerals is just as crucial as staying properly hydrated.
There are trace mineral supplements from Kai Mana available at our studio. You can pop them in your water after class to aid in recovery and replenishment. Kai Mana states that each drop of these trace minerals contains powerful nutrients to help the body perform optimally and to its fullest potential. If these drops are not your thing, no worries! A balanced diet and adequate water will most likely do the trick for you. You can also consider making a DIY electrolyte drink at home!
DIY Electrolyte Drink:
3 cups of water (or coconut water)
¼-½ tsp. Of himalayan salt
½ fresh squeezed citrus juice
Honey to your liking